Native Plant Walk - Riverview Natural Area
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Chapter Meeting Nature Walk/Hike Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
June 13 Mid-Mitten monthly meeting - location change Due to Manitou Park's gate closing at 7:00pm, we have switched the June 13 evening walk to Riverview Natural Area, 6:30-8:00pm, a Little Forks Conservancy Preserve. From the city of Midland take M-20 west to N. Homer Rd, turn north for 2 miles and follow the curve to the left onto W. Wheeler Road. The parking lot is 1/4 mile on the right. Meet in the parking lot. Wear closed toe shoes, appropriate clothes for the weather, and bring a water bottle; field guides or binoculars (optional). You are welcome to bring a friend or children. We'll walk to see what plants are growing and flowering, along with any wildlife sightings. On another day, you may want to visit Manitou Park, before its closing time of 7:00pm. Manitou Park is located at 1995 W. Chippewa River Road, Midland. Manitou Park sits astride the Chippewa River, two miles south of M20 and four miles west of M30. Trails provide access to the river's edge and the wooded areas have a variety of wildflowers and trees. Wear good quality walking shoes; mosquito spray is suggested. Porta-johns are available in parking lot.