
WildType Native Plant Nursery is our closest nursery and an excellent grower of local genotypes. They grow wildflowers, ferns, trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, and sedges that are native to Michigan.
Michigan Wildflower Farm grows plants to harvest the seeds. They are a valuable resource for seed mixes native to Michigan.
Chippewa Nature Center  offers a huge variety of educational programs for all ages, and is our home base for meetings. CNC has over 19 miles of trails; an arboretum of Michigan trees and shrubs; native rain, woodland, and butterfly gardens; an extensive wetland area with 3 marshes; forests; and access to the Chippewa and Pine Rivers.  Naturalists can answer your questions. Extensive restoration of meadows, woodlands, and marshes over the years include removing invasive species.
Nature Niche is a new gift store in Midland with the mission of  “learn – understand – steward”.  The owner Martha Holzheuer is a Wild Ones member.
Wildflower Association of Michigan  offers an annual conference in early March with a variety of speakers; has a grant program to schools or community groups to install native plant gardens; and has resources for learning and for native plant nurseries. 
Soil Testing Returns through  MSU Extension  MSU Extension will once again offer soil testing. See this link for more information
Natural Community Services (NCS) LLC – ecological services & design, West Bloomfield, MI
(248) 672-7611   [email protected]
NCS Native Plant Nursery  NCS Native Plant Nursery @Wildflower Acres LLC, 57835 8 Mile Rd.
Northville, Michigan 48106 phone (248) 513-1909 [email protected]